Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Seville
image photo of the flag of Seville
Tourist map Seville (clickable)
Seville Seville Tourist map of Seville

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culture  Culture
nature  Nature
religion  Religion
architecture bulding  Archt.
museum  Museum
sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Seville

1 type 

Alcázar (royal palaca)

: A beautiful example of Mudéjar architecture. This attraction you may not be missed during your city-trip to southern Spain or weekend-trip to Seville.

2 type 

Torre del Oro

: Beautiful tower (especially at night) from the 12th century at the bank of the Guadalquivir.

3 type 

Plaza de España

: Very large semi-circle square with buildings from 1929, built for the world exhibition. This building should not be missed on your tour to Seville.

4 type 

Amusement park Isla Magica

: Amusement park on the site of Expo 1992 (Expo 92) on the banks of the Guadalquivir River with roller coasters, water attractions, cinemas and other themes.

5 type 

Cathedral and La Giralda

: The Maria de la Sede is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and the high bell tower (94 meters) was originally a Moorish minaret.

General Information Seville

Population:699.000 (1,6%, 4e)
Density (people/km2):5000 (3e)
Area (km2):140 (2e)
Main cities:San Vincente, Santa Cruz, San Bartolomé
Sun hours in winter:6
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):
Bed places per km2:
Highest elevation point: meter

News from Seville.

Spanish news

Youtube Seville video - motion pictures

Land use Seville

 Forest   5 km2 
 Other nature   3 km2 
 Agriculture   82 km2 
 Grassland   1 km2 
 Water   0 km2 
 Urban area   48 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Séville

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Sevilla (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


Blogs about Spain