Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Cantabria
image photo of the flag of Cantabria
Tourist map Cantabria (clickable) - Region  Cantabria
lava Asturias Burgos Cantabria Len Palencia Vizcaya Tourist map of Cantabria

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sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Cantabria

1 type 


: Beautiful coastal town with three attractions: a palace (Palacio de Sobrellano), the building El Capricho Antoni Gaudí and the English-like University of Comillas (pontifical) on top of a hill.

2 type 

Santillana del Mar

: An open air museum village that, despite the many tourist shops, has kept its medieval charm. The attractions are a Roman church, the former Benedictine monastery and many museums.

3 type 


: The capital of Cantabria, including the summer residence ((Palacio de la Magdalena) of Alfonso XIII in 1908, the maritime museum, Bellas Artes museum and prehistoric museum.

4 type 

Caves of Altamira

: One of the most important prehistoric caves with drawings (bison) in the world, which is unfortunately closed to the public. The adjacent museum is very worthwhile (replica of the caves / drawings). Who wants to see real prehistoric drawings has to visit the caves Ribadesella (Asturias).

5 type 

Puente Viesgo

: Village at the foot of Monte El Castillo, known for its lime-stone caves with prehistoric drawings.

6 type 


: Very touristy town and the base for many active sports for the east side of Picos de Europa. The highlights include the Tower Infantado and Orejón de Lima Tower (15th century).

Hotels in Cantabria

General Information Cantabria

Population:572.824 (1,3%, 16e)
Density (people/km2):108 (8e)
Area (km2):5.321 (1,1%, 15e)
Main cities:Camargo, Castro-Urdiales, Torrelavega
Sun hours in winter:3
Sun hours in summer:6
Tourism (%):1,3 (14e)
Bed places per km2:3,2 (6e)
Landscape:mountains, coast
Highest elevation point:Peña Vieja 2.613 meter

News from Cantabria.

Spanish news

Youtube Cantabria video - motion pictures

Land use Cantabria

 Forest   2706 km2 
 Other nature   773 km2 
 Agriculture   1238 km2 
 Grassland   266 km2 
 Water   61 km2 
 Urban area   30 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Santander

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The weather and climate

Current weather in Santander (temperature, precipitation).
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