Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Segovia
image photo of the flag of Segovia
Tourist map Segovia (clickable) - Region  Castile and León
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location of Segovia

1 type 

La Granja de San Ildefonso

: Royal palace with 300 rooms at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama 80 kilometers north of Madrid and 12 kilometers east of Segovia. It was the summer palace of King Philip V of Spain and is in baroque style. It is the Spanish version of Versailles. Highlights include the fountains in the gardens.

2 type 


: Royal Palace of Riofrio (1751), 10 kilometers southwest of Segovia. Built as a hunting pavillon.

3 type 

Castillo de Coca

: One of the most beautiful castles of Castile and Leon in the northwest of the province of Segovia. A good example of Mudéjar military architecture. The castle is entirely built of brick.

4 type 


: Very nice situated walled city on top of a rock. Top attractions: the aqueduct of Trajan, the rebuilt cathedral and the Alcázar (castle). The castle has been the inspiration for the Cinderalla Castle in Disney World.

5 type 

Pedraza de la Sierra

: Walled town 35 km northeast of Segovia. Breathes the atmosphere of an open air museum, particularly interesting is the Plaza Mayor.

Hotels in Segovia

General Information Segovia

Population:159.322 (0,4%, 48e)
Density (people/km2):23 (41e)
Area (km2):6.923 (1,3%, 37e)
Main cities:Cuéllar
Sun hours in winter:4
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):0,4 (44e)
Bed places per km2:0,7 (34e)
Landscape:mountains, rivers
Highest elevation point:Peñalara 2.428 meter

News from Segovia.

Spanish news

Youtube Segovia video - motion pictures

Land use Segovia

 Forest   955 km2 
 Other nature   1315 km2 
 Agriculture   3729 km2 
 Grassland   882 km2 
 Water   21 km2 
 Urban area   13 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Ségovie

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The weather and climate

Current weather in Segovia (temperature, precipitation).
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