Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Castile and León
image photo of the flag of Castile and León
Tourist map Castile and León (clickable)
vila Burgos Len Palencia Salamanca Segovia Soria Valladolid Zamora Tourist map of Castile and León

previous region Extremadura Sights
Castile and León  next region Galicia

culture  Culture
nature  Nature
religion  Religion
architecture bulding  Archt.
museum  Museum
sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Castile and León

1 type 

Aquaduct of Trajanus (Segovia)

: Unique construction from the first century.

2 type 


: Highest city of Spain, famous for its city walls.

3 type 


: Unique remnants of the Celts who fought against the Romans. A museum is also present.

4 type 

Museum Art Deco / Art Nouveau Salamanca

: Brilliant unique museum for fans of 1920's.

5 type 

Cathedral of Segovia

: Also called la Dama de las Catedrales.

6 type 

Cathedral of Burgos

: Gothic cathedral Santa Maria from the 16th century.

General Information Castile and León

Population:2.528.417 (5,6%, 6e)
Density (people/km2):27 (15e)
Area (km2):94.225 (18,6%, 1e)
Main cities:Salamanca, Segovia, Leon, Burgos
Sun hours in winter:3
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):4,4 (8e)
Bed places per km2:0,6 (15e)
Landscape:high plateau, mountain-chains
Highest elevation point:Torre Cerredo 2.648 meter

News from Castile and León.

Spanish news

Youtube Castile and León video - motion pictures

Land use Castile and León

 Forest   19888 km2 
 Other nature   15735 km2 
 Agriculture   47461 km2 
 Grassland   9776 km2 
 Water   1049 km2 
 Urban area   168 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Valladolid

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Valladolid (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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