Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Huelva
image photo of the flag of Huelva
Tourist map Huelva (clickable) - Region  Andalusia
Badajoz Cdiz Huelva Seville Tourist map of Huelva

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amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Huelva

1 type 


: The city lies on the confluence of the rivers Odiel and Rio Tinto, 90 kilometers west of Seville. The Andalusian city is known because of Christopher Columbus, he departed from Palos de la Frontera. In the provincial museum's special attention is paid to this famous explorer of the New World.

2 type 

National park Doñana

: Nature park at the mouth of the Guadalquivir river and the Atlantic Ocean at the border with the province of Seville. The area consists of marshes and dunes and is a must for bird-lovers. The birds that exists in this area includes flamingos and cranes.

3 type 

Aracena caves

: Gruta de las maravillas: one of the most spectacular and largest caves in Spain with stalagmites, stalactites and (cave)lakes. The cave has several rooms with large height-differences and some rooms are 50 meters high in altitude. The cave is located in the town of Arcena in the north of the province of Huelva.

4 type 

Nature park Sierra de Aracena

: Ideal walking (and cycling)-area for spring-time and the autumn with rolling wooded hills with cork oaks.

5 type 

Village El Rocío

: Place where pilgrims from all over Spain (on horses) come together to honor Virgen del Rocío. The village lies at the national park of Doñana.

6 type 

Monastery La Rábida

: In the town of Palos de la Frontera in the south of Huelva. In this monastery Columbus prepared for his voyages.

Hotels in Huelva

General Information Huelva

Population:497.671 (1,1%, 31e)
Density (people/km2):49 (30e)
Area (km2):10.128 (2,0%, 25e)
Main cities:Moguer, Lepe, Isla Cristina
Sun hours in winter:6
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):1,4 (19e)
Bed places per km2:1,8 (22e)
Landscape:coast (wetlands), hills
Highest elevation point:Bonales 1.055 meter

News from Huelva.

Spanish news

Youtube Huelva video - motion pictures

Land use Huelva

 Forest   2563 km2 
 Other nature   3203 km2 
 Agriculture   3659 km2 
 Grassland   391 km2 
 Water   146 km2 
 Urban area   65 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Huelva

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Huelva (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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