Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Castellón
image photo of the flag of Castellón
Tourist map Castellón (clickable) - Region  Valencian Community
Castellon Tarragona Teruel Valencia Tourist map of Castellón

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location of Castellón

1 type 


: Peninsula (the Gibraltar of Valencia) in the north of the province with a castle on the rocks on the Costa del Azahar.

2 type 

Castellón de la Plana

: Capital of Castellon at the Costa del Azahar. Monumental buildings around Plaza Mayor.

3 type 


: Town in the interior and the north of the province of Castellon. The town is completely surrounded by old medieval city walls with six city gates. On a cliff top a ruin overlooks the center of the town.

4 type 


: Town with the ruins of a Muslim castle 25 kilometres north of Castellón. The town of red sandstone has a modern art museum (including Miró).

5 type 


: Natural History Museum (Museo de ciencias naturales El Carmen). Other attractions in the ceramics town 20 kilometres from the coast are the Moorish ruins with museum.

6 type 

Nature area desierto de las palmas

: Not far from Benicasim just behind the coast, this walking and cycling area has a beautiful old monastery and a new convent. The highest mountain in the area is the 729 meters Bartolo. There is also a botanical garden.

7 type 

Islas Columbretes

: Islands 56 km off the coast of Castellón consisting of the islands Illa Grossa (Columbrete Grande), La Fora Dada, La Ferrera and El Carallot. The total size is only 19 hectares, the islands are of volcanic origin. The fauna includes the Eleonora's Falcon and Audouin's Gull. At the largest island a lighthouse can be seen.

Hotels in Castellón

General Information Castellón

Population:573.282 (1,3%, 27e)
Density (people/km2):86 (21e)
Area (km2):6.632 (1,3%, 38e)
Main cities:Villarreal, La Vall d'Uixó
Sun hours in winter:6
Sun hours in summer:11
Tourism (%):1,4 (20e)
Bed places per km2:2,7 (18e)
Landscape:coast, mountains
Highest elevation point:Penyagolosa 1.814 meter

News from Castellón.

Spanish news

Youtube Castellón video - motion pictures

Land use Castellón

 Forest   3698 km2 
 Other nature   1212 km2 
 Agriculture   1659 km2 
 Grassland   4 km2 
 Water   40 km2 
 Urban area   29 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Castellón de la Plana, Castelló de la Plana

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Castellon (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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