Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Aragón
image photo of the flag of Aragón
Tourist map Aragón (clickable)
Huesca Teruel Zaragoza Tourist map of Aragón

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location of Aragón

1 type 

Loarre castle

: In this fairytale-like environment lies the oldest Roman castle of Spain from the 11th century. It is also regarded as one of the most beautiful Romanesque castles of Europe.

2 type 


: Small town south of Aragon in a beautiful landscape with red colored houses also called mini-Toledo. The whole town is still a Moorish Medina from the Middle Ages. Nearby is the Park El Rodeno including prehistoric rock drawings.

3 type 

Aneto Pyrenees

: Highest mountain in the Pyrenees (over 3400 meters) in the massif of Maladeta with mountain lakes (including the lake LLardaneta) and glaciers. Area for the true mountain walker or sportsman and one of the highlights throughout Northern Spain.

4 type 

Ordesa and Monte Perdido

: National park in the Aragonese Pyrenees including many waterfalls, but also bare rocky areas (called karst areas). The Ordesa valley is a beautiful canyondal (by erosion of the beautiful river Rio Arazas) with very high limestone walls.

5 type 

The Pilar Cathedral in Zaragoza

: In the basilica with four corner towers and eleven domes are paintings of Francisco Goya are shown. The square in front of the cathedral is one of the biggest squares in Europe (1500 meters).

General Information Aragón

Population:1.296.655 (2,9%, 11e)
Density (people/km2):27 (14e)
Area (km2):47.720 (9,4%, 4e)
Main cities:Teruel, Huesca, Calatayud
Sun hours in winter:4
Sun hours in summer:11
Tourism (%):2,4 (9e)
Bed places per km2:0,7 (14e)
Landscape:mountains, rivir-valley
Highest elevation point:Aneto 3404 meter

News from Aragón.

Spanish news

Youtube Aragón video - motion pictures

Land use Aragón

 Forest   13568 km2 
 Other nature   7461 km2 
 Agriculture   24904 km2 
 Grassland   1001 km2 
 Water   646 km2 
 Urban area   75 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Saragosse

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The weather and climate

Current weather in Zaragoza (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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