Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Caceres
image photo of the flag of Caceres
Tourist map Caceres (clickable) - Region  Extremadura
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amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Caceres

1 type 


: Capital of the province with a completely walled town center and many medieval architecture (e.g. Arco de la Estrell, Tower of Bujaco, Palacio Episcopal).

2 type 


: Small town east of Caceres with a Moorish castle on top of a hill. Other attractions in addition to the many churches are palacio de los Orellana-Pizarro and el palacio de los Marqueses de la Conquista. There are also many bird nests (storks) in the town which attracts bird-lovers.

3 type 


: Roman bridge from the year 106 built by Trajanus in the town of Alcántara in the west of the province close to the border with Portugal.

4 type 


: A village with at a picturesque location in the north of the province of Caceres in a Jewish neighborhood with narrow, steep streets and Arabic tiles and roofs. Other tips are the Convento de los Rios Trinita (monastery) and the Palacio de los Davila from the 18th century.

5 type 


: Town at the junction of roads at the river Jerte in the north central Caceres. The attractions are the cathedral from the 13th century, Palacio de Mirabel, with a central courtyard to Italian model, and the Casa del Dean, a 17th century palace-house with Tuscan columns and beautiful balconies.

6 type 

National park Monfraguë

: Since 2007, a National Park in Villarreal de San Carlos (25 kilometres south of Plasencia) naerby the River Tagus (Tajo) and the river Tiétar, with fauna like lynx, wild boar and deer. Also a very important bird area (including monk vultures, ravens, peregrine falcons, blue magpies, black storks, imperial eagles) for Spain.

7 type 


: The large monastery complex of Santa María de Guadalupe high above the village (east of the province) was founded in 1340 and known as a place of pilgrimage (Virgin of Guadalupe). The architecture has Mudéjar accents and the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque-style.

8 type 

Monestery of Yuste

: Zeer mooi gelegen maar relatief simpel kloostercomplex uit het jaar 1507, wederopgebouwd in 1949, 25 km ten oosten van Plasencia bekend vanwege de bewoning door keizer Karel V (1556-1558). Very nicely located but relatively simple monastery from the year 1507, rebuilt in 1949, 25 km east of Plasencia famous for its owner Emperor Charles V (1556-1558). The monastery is also the residence of the former King of Spain.

Hotels in Caceres

General Information Caceres

Population:411.531 (0,9%, 34e)
Density (people/km2):21 (44e)
Area (km2):19.868 (3,9%, 2e)
Main cities:Coria, Navalmoral de la Mata, Plasencia
Sun hours in winter:5
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):0,7 (31e)
Bed places per km2:0,4 (43e)
Landscape:rivers, hills
Highest elevation point:El Torreón 2.401 meter

News from Caceres.

Spanish news

Youtube Caceres video - motion pictures

Land use Caceres

 Forest   3323 km2 
 Other nature   5631 km2 
 Agriculture   5250 km2 
 Grassland   4817 km2 
 Water   809 km2 
 Urban area   18 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Cáceres

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Current weather in Caceres (temperature, precipitation).
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