Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Jaén
image photo of the flag of Jaén
Tourist map Jaén (clickable) - Region  Andalusia
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amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Jaén

1 type 


: Many Italian Renaissance architecture in this beautiful small town with a medieval city center. The town is located not far from Ubeda in Jaen.

2 type 


: Town on the Guadalquivir river in the west of this lesser known Andalusian province. Andújar is known for its ceramics and has several museums, convents and squares.

3 type 


: UNESCO town with beautiful buildings at the Vázquez de Molina square. Many buildings are in Italian Renaissance style designed by architect Andrés de Vandelvira who worked on behalf of wealthy families.

4 type 

Sierra de Carzola

: Very large nature park in the east of the province with wooded hills and mountains up to 2000 meters high. Base is the beautiful mountain village of Cazorla from where the area can be to explored on foot.

5 type 


: A magnificent cathedral, castle of Santa Catalina and the world capital of the olive oil make this city a worthy detour at a cultural tour around Andalusia or the whole of southern Spain.

Hotels in Jaén

General Information Jaén

Population:664.742 (1,5%, 23e)
Density (people/km2):49 (29e)
Area (km2):13.496 (2,6%, 14e)
Main cities:Úbeda, Linares
Sun hours in winter:6
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):0,7 (33e)
Bed places per km2:0,6 (38e)
Landscape:mountains, rivers
Highest elevation point:Mágina 2.164 meter

News from Jaén.

Spanish news

Youtube Jaén video - motion pictures

Land use Jaén

 Forest   2974 km2 
 Other nature   2552 km2 
 Agriculture   7415 km2 
 Grassland   264 km2 
 Water   219 km2 
 Urban area   53 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Jaén

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Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Jaen (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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