Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Guipúzcoa
image photo of the flag of Guipúzcoa
Tourist map Guipúzcoa (clickable) - Region  Baskenland
lava Burgos Guipzcoa Navarre Vizcaya Tourist map of Guipúzcoa

previous region Vizcaya Sights Guipúzcoa  next region Álava

culture  Culture
nature  Nature
religion  Religion
architecture bulding  Archt.
museum  Museum
sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Guipúzcoa

1 type 


: Former university town located between the green mountains in the south of Guipuzcoa. The sights are: Church of Saint Michael, the Renaissance town hall and the building of the former university.

2 type 

San Sebastián (Donostia)

: Modern city beautifully situated on the coast in the form of a bay with many festivals (film festival). The attractions include: the Miramar Palace, Plaza Mayor, the cathedral and town hall. It is also seen as the gastronomic city of Spain.

3 type 

Hondarribia (Fuenterrabía)

: Town on the coast and the mouth of the river Bidasoa close to France with an old city center with walls (Puerta de Santa Maria) and a castle (parador).

4 type 

Santuario de Loyola

: Baroque basilica from the 17th century with a large dome 35 kilometers from San Sebastian.

Hotels in Guipúzcoa

General Information Guipúzcoa

Population:694.944 (1,5%, 21e)
Density (people/km2):351 (4e)
Area (km2):1.980 (0,3%, 50e)
Main cities:Rentería, Irun
Sun hours in winter:3
Sun hours in summer:7
Tourism (%):0,6 (35e)
Bed places per km2:4,2 (13e)
Landscape:coast, mountains
Highest elevation point:Aitxuri (Aizkorri) 1.554 meter

News from Guipúzcoa.

Spanish news

Youtube Guipúzcoa video - motion pictures

Land use Guipúzcoa

 Forest   1785 km2 
 Other nature   27 km2 
 Agriculture   56 km2 
 Grassland   1 km2 
 Water   0 km2 
 Urban area   44 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Saint-Sébastien, Fontarabie

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in San_Sebastian (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


Blogs about Spain