Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Huesca
image photo of the flag of Huesca
Tourist map Huesca (clickable) - Region  Aragon
Huesca Lrida Navarre Tarragona Teruel Zaragoza Tourist map of Huesca

previous region Navarre Sights Huesca  next region Teruel

culture  Culture
nature  Nature
religion  Religion
architecture bulding  Archt.
museum  Museum
sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Huesca

1 type 


: Provincial capital with a Gothic cathedral (13th century) and a Renaissance town hall.

2 type 


: Small town in a dramatic landscape at the foot of bizarre rock formations of dolomite.

3 type 


: Picturesque town with narrow streets and with frescoes painted half wooden houses. In addition, the town is famous for its truffles and sausage.

4 type 

National park Ordesa

: The town Torla serves as a base for walks in this unique area in the Pyrenees with canyons and waterfalls. It is the highest limestone massif (in granite) in whole Europe with the Monte Perdido as absolute highlight.

5 type 

Monastery San Juan de la Peña

: Southwest of Jaca this is no longer used monastery under an overhanging rock.

6 type 


: Fortified town on a hilltop in the nature park Sierra de Guara. Base for many outdoor activities: hiking, canyoning, walking, climbing, caving and abseiling.

Hotels in Huesca

General Information Huesca

Population:220107 (0,5%, 43e)
Density (people/km2):14 (47e)
Area (km2):15.636 (3,0%, 6e)
Main cities:Barbastro, Fraga, Monzón
Sun hours in winter:4
Sun hours in summer:11
Tourism (%):1,0 (24e)
Bed places per km2:0,9 (30e)
Highest elevation point:Aneto 3.404 meter

News from Huesca.

Spanish news

Youtube Huesca video - motion pictures

Land use Huesca

 Forest   6299 km2 
 Other nature   1333 km2 
 Agriculture   7040 km2 
 Grassland   693 km2 
 Water   237 km2 
 Urban area   2 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Huesca

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Huesca (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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