Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of La Rioja
image photo of the flag of La Rioja
Tourist map La Rioja (clickable) - Region  La Rioja
lava Burgos Navarre La Rioja Soria Zaragoza Tourist map of La Rioja

previous region Álava Sights La Rioja  next region Navarre

culture  Culture
nature  Nature
religion  Religion
architecture bulding  Archt.
museum  Museum
sport recreation  Activity
amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of La Rioja

Hotels in La Rioja

General Information La Rioja

Population:308.968 (0,7%, 17e)
Density (people/km2):61 (12e)
Area (km2):5.045 (1,0%, 16e)
Main cities:Calahorra, Arnedo
Sun hours in winter:3
Sun hours in summer:10
Tourism (%):0,4 (17e)
Bed places per km2:1,1 (12e)
Landscape:wine region, rivers, mountains
Highest elevation point:San Lorenzo 2.271 meter

News from La Rioja.

Spanish news

Youtube La Rioja video - motion pictures

Land use La Rioja

 Forest   1469 km2 
 Other nature   953 km2 
 Agriculture   2458 km2 
 Grassland   134 km2 
 Water   27 km2 
 Urban area   13 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Logrono

Social Media

Instagram Spain

The weather and climate

Current weather in Logrono (temperature, precipitation).
Weather forecast


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