Weather (tiempo)
Current weather in Ciudad Real (temperature, precipitation).
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22 Neighbouring municipalities
Nr | Direction | Name |
1 | North | Alhambra |
2 | North | Carrizosa |
3 | North | Fuenllana |
4 | North | Villahermosa |
5 | North-East | Santa Cruz de los Cáñamos |
6 | North-East | Villanueva de la Fuente |
7 | East | Bienservida |
8 | East | Alcaraz |
9 | East | Terrinches |
10 | East | Albaladejo |
11 | South-East | Siles |
12 | South-East | Villarrodrigo |
13 | South-East | Comunidad de Benatae y Torres de Albánchez |
14 | South-East | Orcera |
15 | South | Puebla del Príncipe |
16 | South-West | Villamanrique |
17 | West | Almedina |
18 | West | Torre de Juan Abad |
19 | North-West | Valdepeñas |
20 | North-West | Cózar |
21 | North-West | Alcubillas |
22 | North-West | Villanueva de los Infantes |
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