hotel in Villanueva de los CastillejosHotels in Villanueva de los Castillejos

holiday home Villanueva de los Castillejos Holiday homes in Villanueva de los Castillejos


Weather (tiempo)

  Current weather in Huelva   (temperature, precipitation).

photo of Huelva

Physical map height - elevation (DEM)

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Elevation map - Relief mapVillanueva de los Castillejos (Map Mountains, hills, river valleys and plains)

374 mtr
elevation map legendVillanueva de los Castillejos
28 mtr

The highest point of the municipality is309 meter (-7.2336,37.4999).marker
The lowest point of the municipality is 56 meter (-7.0833,37.469).marker
Relatively many south-facing slopes in the municipality.

West-East profile ( 26.2 km) by highest point in municipality

North-South profile ( 18.3 km) by highest point in municipality

Relief: Altitude classes in percent

Relief: Slope classes in percent

Orientation Relief (Aspect)