Weather (tiempo)
Current weather in Cáceres (temperature, precipitation).
Physical map height - elevation (DEM)
Torre de Santa María
Elevation map - Relief mapTorre de Santa María (Map Mountains, hills, river valleys and plains)
988 mtr | |||
440 mtr | |||
The highest point of the municipality is651 meter (-6.0713,39.2268).
The lowest point of the municipality is 451 meter (-6.0759,39.2604).
Relatively many north-facing slopes in the municipality.
Relatively many northeasterly oriented slopes in the municipality.
Relatively many east-facing slopes in the municipality.
The lowest point of the municipality is 451 meter (-6.0759,39.2604).
Relatively many north-facing slopes in the municipality.
Relatively many northeasterly oriented slopes in the municipality.
Relatively many east-facing slopes in the municipality.