Hotels in Salvatierra de los Barros
Holiday homes in Salvatierra de los Barros
Holiday homes in Salvatierra de los Barros
Weather (tiempo)
Current weather in Badajoz (temperature, precipitation).
Physical map height - elevation (DEM)
Salvatierra de los Barros
Elevation map - Relief mapSalvatierra de los Barros (Map Mountains, hills, river valleys and plains)
813 mtr | |||
335 mtr | |||
The highest point of the municipality is813 meter (-6.6619,38.4623).
The lowest point of the municipality is 364 meter (-6.7241,38.5516).
Relatively many northeasterly oriented slopes in the municipality.
The lowest point of the municipality is 364 meter (-6.7241,38.5516).
Relatively many northeasterly oriented slopes in the municipality.